Monday, November 25, 2024
Today, the U.S. Department of Transportation is releasing a playbook on research -based climate action strategies for State, Tribal, city, and local governments. The “Climate Strategies That Work” playbook includes 28 climate solutions that can help communities reduce carbon pollution and create a more resilient, sustainable, and accessible transportation system for all Americans.
The “Climate Strategies That Work” playbook emphasizes efficient, convenient, and clean transportation solutions that support safe and economically vibrant communities across the United States. Strategies span infrastructure investments, technology applications, and policy strategies. These include active transportation, electric vehicles, and freight operational efficiencies for use by rural and urban communities. The strategies are informed by the U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization and include information on achieving greenhouse gas reduction, economic development, and safety benefits, along with implementation funding opportunities and case studies that illustrate the impacts of these strategies in action.
“The transportation system of the future requires innovative technologies and use of space to make every trip for every person and every package more convenient, efficient, and clean,” said U.S. Department of Transportation Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology Dr. Robert C. Hampshire. “There is no one key to transforming our transportation system into a tool of access, economic development, and sustainable growth. This playbook outlines a menu of options for State and local leaders so that they can make data-backed choices that are right for their communities.”
“This is a critical resource for climate champions making strategic and evidence-based decisions about how to meet their climate and economic development goals while providing mobility choices. This playbook makes up-to-date and best-in-class research on decarbonizing transportation available to transportation planners, decisionmakers, and state and local leaders nationwide,” said U.S. Department of Transportation Climate Change Research and Technology Program Director, Dr. Gretchen Goldman.
The playbook is a critical step to supporting State, Tribal, regional, city, and local climate action planning as well as philanthropic and private industry climate action strategies. Explore the playbook here and read more about the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Climate Change Center here.
U.S. Department of Transportation Launches Climate Action Strategy Playbook to Help Communities Across America Reduce Emissions
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